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England legend Gordon Banks dies

Gordon Banks

Legendary goalkeeper Gordon Banks has passed away at the age of 81.

Banks was the goalkeeper for England when they won the 1966 World Cup on home soil and he produced one of the greatest saves in history in the 1970 World Cup to deny Brazil’s Pele.

The former Leicester City and Stoke City goalkeeper was known across the planet as one of the all-time great stoppers. Banks was named the FIFA goalkeeper of the year for five-straight years from 1966-71 and won the League Cup in England with both Leicester and Stoke.

Banks played 73 times for England, as well as playing in the U.S. for the Cleveland Stokers and the Fort Lauderdale Strikers towards the end of his career.

Below is a look at his finest moment, while plenty of key figures in the game have paid tribute to Banks.

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