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Job security

Britain Britain Soccer England Hodgson

The new England soccer team manager Roy Hodgson smiles during at a press conference at Wembley stadium in London, Tuesday, May 1, 2012. The English Football Association announced that Hodgson will succeed Fabio Capello, the Italian who quit in February in a dispute with the FA after John Terry was stripped of the captaincy. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)


For many managers in football, the day you get hired by a professional team is the pinnacle however as my mentor once told me ‘you’re now a day closer to getting the sack,’ yes, like death and taxes, getting sacked in football is as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning.

This season has been particularly brutal in England as the pink slips have been flying. In total, 103 managers and coaches have lost their jobs in 2012-13 and the LMA, the League Managers Association has described the situation as embarrassing.

Four Premier League managers have been shown the exit door in this current campaign - Roberto Di Matteo at Chelsea, Brian McDermott at Reading, Nigel Adkins at Southampton and Mark Hughes at QPR which translates into 20% of the league but that’s job security compared to the Championship where 17 managers have been dismissed.

With World Cup qualifying in full flow over the next week club managers will at least have a seven day window of security but on the other side of the coin, any international manager who losses a couple of games and puts his country in danger of missing out on the Brazilian samba party next year will surely feel the heat.

Men in jeopardy of receiving a pink slip include Serbia’s Siniša Mihajlović, Michal Bílek of the Czech Republic, the seemingly always under pressure Ireland manager, Giovanni Trapattoni, Abdullah Avcı of Turkey and of course, England’s Roy Hodgson.

By this time next week who do you think will most likely be out of a job?

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