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MLS video: Best and worst of week 25

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For you MLS fans who, while our new Premier League videos were going up last weekend, asked for similar video content for your favorite league, here you go - an MLS video that rivals anything we’ve put up in the last few weeks from the BPL.

It’s hard to imagine a better week to do this, either. Between Robbie Keane’s hat trick, Juan Agudelo’s goal in New England, and the great saves (real and imaginary), there were a number of bests from Week 25 of the MLS season. There was also Gilles Barnes’ nylon-burner in Houston, Federico Higuain being, well, Federico Higuain, and a couple of run-ins that showed as how (and how not to) spark an MLS bromance.

And as for worsts, we’ll leave that to the video. As we get the new MLS week underway, here’s a quick look back at the week that was in Major League Soccer.