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ProSoccerTalk daily soccer re-set

Olympic soccer

Big Important Story of the Day: U.S. Soccer officials have been quite superstitious about it, and sometimes even a little uppity in their reminders: “It’s not an Olympic Team! We don’t have an Olympic team, because we haven’t qualified for the Olympics, see? It’s an under-23 team.” OK, well, the U.S. under-23 team begins its quest to become a official U.S. Olympic team tonight in Nashville. (And if you’re going, you might bring an umbrella.)

(Other) Big Important Story of the Day: Reinforcements arrive as the ProSoccerTalk staff doubles in size! Details ahead. (And there’s even more coming as we fatten up this skinny puppy of a blog.)

RASNoD (Random American Soccer Name of the Day): Desmond Armstrong

Twitter dab: From Brek Shea (@BrekShea), who clearly is finding ways to break the tension before tonight’s Olympic qualifier opening match: “I love the price is right. @DrewFromTV kills it!”

Ahead on the blog today*: Olympic upsets can and do happen; A fan’s view of the Red Bulls season to date, and; some of Arlo White’s crafty work ahead of tomorrow night’s MLS match in Seattle.

What we should all be watching: As noted, CONCACAF group play begins in Nashville. As for finding it on your TV … good luck with all that. (More later today on how to do it.)

PST background noise while blogging today: MLS Extra Time radio. I hear Jonah “Enchilada” Freedman will be on this one. Dude knows his stuff, and he can put away some Tex-Mex! Believe me.

*Always subject to change; you know how it is