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VIDEO: Patrik Schick scores amazing long-range goal

On the eve of EURO 2020, Joe Prince-Wright, Andy Edwards and Nick Mendola preview the whole field -- from why England could make a deep run to why France should be heavy favorites.

Patrik Schick has just etched his name into folklore.

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The Czech Republic striker put them 2-0 up against Scotland at EURO 2020 and his second goal of the game was an absolute beauty.

In fact, it was the longest goal ever recorded in European Championship history at 49.7 yards.

Yeah, it was bonkers.

Schick, 25, grabbed the ball just inside his own half, let it run free just over the halfway line and lobbed an audacious effort up and over the flailing David Marshall and into the net.

The more you watch this goal, the better it gets.

It was absolutely stunning, and Schick proved that he has real quality as his first goal was a majestic header.

Hampden Park was full of Scotland fans for their first game at a major tournament since 1988, but even they had to applaud the brilliance of Schick.

[ VIDEO: Premier League highlights ]

Take a look at the video below to see the incredible goal, as this will go down in history.