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Great Moments in Tabloid Headlines

Tabloid covers

I realize that you can’t write the story of last night’s Yankees game without noting that Joe Girardi made the ballsy decision to pinch hit Raul Ibanez for the struggling Alex Rodriguez. That’s the kind of thing we’ll be talking about for decades, I reckon. It’s news, and of course you have to talk about it.

But is piling on A-Rod really the way to lead it? Are his failures, as opposed to Raul Ibanez’s heroics, really the first thing that should come out of your mouth, figuratively speaking, when talking about last night’s game? If you’re the New York Post and the Daily News, yes, yes it is:

Tabloid covers

Call me crazy, but you’d think the swipe at Rodriguez could wait until the second paragraph, not the headline.

And yes, I realize that saying such things about the New York tabloids is about as pointless an exercise in the world. It’s like complaining about the sky being blue or a zebra having stripes. The very question I’m posing here is rather nonsensical given who we’re talking about.

(Thanks to Jimmy Traina for the heads up)