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Mike Trout: still a Phillies fan

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Commence your six-year premature free agency speculation, Philly Pholks. Mike Trout grew up in Phillies country and, according to his dad in this interview, Trout still roots for them:

Trout’s father recalled a story from a few years back when in the middle of the night, Jeff heard Mike scream from his room.

“Dad, we got Roy Halladay!” Mike yelled. To which his Dad responded: “the Angels got Halladay?”

“No, the Phillies did!” Mike replied. “Son, you’re a member of the Angels. What’s with this we?!”

That was in December 2009, six months after Trout was drafted by the Angels and had already played in Rookie and Low-A ball for the club.

Still, it was almost three years ago. We should test this to see if he’s still Phaithful. Quick: someone tell him that Ryan Howard’s contract sucks and see if he gets all whiny about it.