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Milton Bradley returns to Chicago, says things

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Drew Silva

Naturally, reporters and columnists were licking their chops for Milton Bradley’s return to Chicago this weekend, so even though he didn’t play on Friday due to a sore left calf, it was awful nice of him to throw everyone a bone by continuing to say some rather silly things.

Here’s a sample, via Scot Gregor of the Arlington Daily Herald:

“As a black man playing this game, I just don’t feel like ... you know, the majority of the media is middle-aged white guys, so I don’t think you can accurately construe what I have to say, or portray me as who I am, because you don’t know,” Bradley said. “You don’t know where I come from, nobody has ever asked those questions. They just see what they see. I never carried a gun, I never hurt anybody, but I am made out to be something I’m not.”

Not sure about you, but I’m making him out to be an injury-prone .167 hitter who has already had a couple sit-downs with manager Don Wakamatsu. Meanwhile, Carlos Silva is an improbable 2-0 with an 0.95 ERA, 0.63 WHIP and a 12/2 K/BB ratio over his first three starts with the Cubs; success that played a large part in sending Carlos Zambrano to the bullpen.

Of course, logic dictates that Silva will eventually be, well, Carlos Silva, and Bradley will start to get on base at a healthy clip, but what if that doesn’t happen? Seattle can’t be the baseball Siberia he seeks if he doesn’t start to perform. And soon.