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Larry Foyt gets married


Source: Takuma Sato’s Twitter account.

Larry Foyt, the son of IndyCar legend A.J. Foyt, is officially off the market.

The president of A.J. Foyt Racing is now a married man after wedding Kelly Curran at Houston Oaks Country Club in Hockley, Texas on Saturday.

The couple met at the 2012 IndyCar race at Auto Club Speeday.

Curran’s brother, D. Michael Curran, officiated the wedding that was followed by a reception lit by 200 candles. Afterward, the two set off for their honeymoon in the French Caribbean.

A.J. Foyt Racing driver Takuma Sato was in attendance for the ceremonies.

The next IndyCar wedding will be between Graham Rahal and NHRA driver Courtney Force.

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