The accusations leveled against the Lakers’ Jordan Clarkson and Nick Young are serious — that they sexually harassed a 68-year-old lady with lewd comments in Hollywood Sunday. The other woman in the car — a women’s equality activist and daughter of the elder woman — posted photos to Instagram not long after the incident and told her story. The Lakers have reached out to her and have said they are taking the incident very seriously.
As they should.
Nick Young apparently wants to fight the accusations, but someone got to him and quickly got him to not fight that battle via social media.
Young posted this tweet Monday night, which was quickly deleted (but we have a screenshot):
It goes beyond just that, reports Mark Medina a the Los Angeles Daily News.
We will see what comes of the investigations by the Lakers (and likely the league). The NBA wants to be seen as a league progressive on women’s equality issues and to distance itself from the “entitled playboy athlete” stereotype. The Lakers are in that same category.
Is this alleged incident something that would be out of character for Young? We will see how it plays out.