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Spud Webb to judge dunk contest

Via, 1986 Dunk Contest champion Spud Webb will judge this year’s dunk contest. Webb was recently involved in the dunk contest when Robinson jumped over Spud in 2006 on his way to a controversial win over Andre Iguodala.

The 5-9 Robinson is looking for his third dunk contest championship after pulling off an upset of Dwight Howard in the finals of last year’s contest. That the 5-7 Webb will be judging could be seen as an advantage for Nate, but Spud doesn’t want to see any of the prop dunks that have helped Nate win his first two titles. In a statement, Webb said: “I expect Nate not to use props this time. I hope to see some new dunks, otherwise I may have to go put some shorts on and see if I have any springs left in these legs.”

Many fans feel that the novelty of seeing Robinson’s amazing hops has worn off, and that he must have exhausted his repertoire of dunks by this point. If Webb doesn’t want to see any more glitz and glam from Nate, he could have a very tough time capturing a third title.