Tony Parker told some French reporters that he didn’t think the Spurs were title contenders anymore.
He later tried to take it all back, which was problematic because there was video of the interview.
Whatever, Gregg Popovich is going to have none of it. He spoke with WOAI-TV sports director Don Harris and the Spurs blog at the San Antonio Express-News had Pops reaction to Parkers thoughts. It’s vintage Popovich.“You think I care what Tony Parker says?” Popovich told Harris in the snippet from the interview…. “You think Tony Parker is gonna coach when he quits? Why would I listen to Tony Parker?”
When reminded by Harris that Parker already owns a team in France, Popovich went further.
“He can own but he can’t coach,” Popovich said. “Get your –– out there and play, Tony. Tie the score. But talk about basketball, I don’t need Tony for that.”There you go. Popovich is not going quietly into that good night. And he doesn’t really care what Parker may say or think.