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Zlatan Ibrahimovic dons temporary tattoos to raise hunger awareness


In the second minute of PSG’s Ligue 1 game with Caen, Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored an acrobatic kung-fu kick and promptly took his shirt off and showed off a surprising display of tattoos in yet another one of his self-centered yet loveable displays of narcissism.

Or, so we thought.

Now, Zlatan says the stunt was for more worldly reasons. According to the massive Swede, and supported by a video from the World Food Programme, he put 50 names across his upper body of starving children in temporary tattoos surrounding his already heavy haul of existing ones.

The stunt is supposed to raise awareness for the hunger crisis taking place around the world, as the video and the striker explain there are more than 850 million people without enough food. Still, it forced the referee to give him a shoulder shrug and then a yellow card, as the rules dictate.

“Saturday evening against Caen, when I took off my shirt, everyone asked what these new tattoos were,” said Ibrahimovic on PSG’s official website. “I had 50 names temporarily tattooed on my body. They are the names of real people who are suffering from hunger around the world. The tattoos have gone, but the people are still out there. There are 805 million people who are suffering from hunger around the world. I want you to see them, via me, to help the World Food Programme.”

Zlatan then followed up his display on the field with a conference for reporters the next day that included a suited-up Zlatan explaining his move and presenting the following video:

Unfortunately for Zlatan, the yellow card means he earns a 1-match suspension for accumulation and will be out for their next Ligue 1 game, a home match with Toulouse on the 21st.

Using your body to display a worldwide message is so Daring to Zlatan.

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