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Dwayne Wade: soccer fan in waiting

Screen Shot 2012-09-13 at 12.59.44 PM

Dunk it like Dwayne?

Miami Heat star joined CNN ostensibly to discuss the increasing internationalization of the NBA. Dirk this, other guys that. Boh-ringgggggg.

Can we get some juicy information? You know, something that would get play on a soccer blog? Why don’t you tell us how you feel about the beautiful game, Dwayne? Any thoughts?

Oh, you do have them? Great.

Time to share:

“I’m trying to get into it. My youngest son Zion is playing soccer now, so I’ve got to learn the sport. So this season I’m really diving into soccer, learning the rules of the game. With Zion, and also my lady, they both love soccer, so I got to get into it. I need to learn about it first, but I do want to go to a game,” he explained. “I want to feel the crowd and the energy -- it’s the reason that soccer is the number one sport in the world.”

Alright then.

Wade isn’t along among NBA superstars. Lebron owns part of Liverpool. Kevin Garnett attempted to buy into Roma earlier this year, but was denied because of NBA rules. (Why LBJ can own a team but Garnett can’t is something for the lawyers.)

Anyhow, Garnett also once played David Beckham in soccer-basketball horse or something like that. Everyone is a winner.