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Randy Moss will go live on Instagram on Friday afternoon

Hall of Fame receiver Randy Moss is currently on an extended leave of absence from ESPN, due to an unspecified health condition. He announced Thursday that he will appear Friday afternoon on Instagram.

“Howdy Earthlings.......Tom fri 13th at 5pm est I’ll be going live on my ig for all my fans and prayer warriors!!!” Moss said on Twitter.

He has not yet disclosed his health condition. It was first noticed when viewers noticed a yellowing of his eyes on ESPN’s Sunday NFL Countdown.

The announcement comes in the aftermath of a controversy on social media regarding his condition. We avoided the issue, out of respect for his privacy. It will be for him to comment on the situation. Despite being a public figure, he deserves that much.

He didn’t specify the purpose for his upcoming Instagram session. We’ll tune in and share whatever he says here.

The former Vikings, Patriots, Titans, and 49ers receiver is one of the greatest players in NFL history. We wish him the best in his battle, and we look forward to seeing him back on ESPN sooner than later.