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Texans fire top P.R. executive, citing lack of “cultural fit”

The Packers were reportedly interested in trading for Will Fuller, but the Texans held on to their veteran receiver. Mike Florio and Chris Simms look at how Green Bay missed out on a chance to help Aaron Rodgers.

The Texans continue to make changes. Even if those changes continue to be curious.

First came the abrupt and stunning firing of coach and General Manager Bill O’Brien after only four game into his dual role. Now comes, via Adam Schefter of ESPN, the abrupt and stunning firing of V.P. of communications Amy Palcic.

Palcic, the first and only female to run a team’s P.R. operations, reportedly was told that she is no longer a “cultural fit.”

So what’s the culture? The team currently is looking for a new G.M. and a new head coach. The culture, frankly, is (or at least should be) in limbo until those hires are made.

Even more frankly, this development speaks even more to the confusing rise of executive V.P. of football operations and interim G.M. Jack Easterby.

Questions about his credentials and his characterization of them largely have been ignored. That fact alone is credit to Palcic, who quite possibly has worked aggressively behind the scenes to get reporters to not point out more conspicuously that Easterby apparently embellished his experience in Jacksonville and that Easterby never actually worked for (i.e., got paid by) the Chiefs.

The message to any candidates for the G.M. job or the head-coaching position seems to be this: The Texans have become Jack Easterby’s world. This reality could ultimately cause candidates with options to opt to go elsewhere, the lure of Deshaun Watson notwithstanding.

As to Palcic, she’ll surely land on her feet somewhere. Widely respected in league circles, her staff won the 2017 Rozelle Award, given to the best P.R. staff in a 32-team league.