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Tom Brady creates impression video was shot today, but was it?

Mike Florio and Chris Simms dive into Tom Brady’s retirement from the NFL, reflecting on his historic career, dissecting the timeline of the decision and questioning what lies ahead for his broadcast career.

The Second Annual February 1 Tom Brady Retirement came out of the blue, like a lightning strike at a Drew Brees commercial shoot.

And it has the feeling of something that just happened today. That Brady, apparently moved by some experience or pearl of wisdom imparted to him by Jane Fonda at Tuesday night premiere of 80 for Brady, walked down to the ocean, possibly strolled onto the pier to contemplate his life, and decided on the spot to shoot a video on his phone and upload it to social media.

“When I woke up this morning, I figured I’d just press record and let you guys know first,” Brady said.

We’re seeing reports that the video was pre-recorded, with the purpose of praising Brady for keeping it all under wraps. Which is fine. But why make the video create the impression that it was impromptu and spontaneous if it actually wasn’t? What’s the point in that?

We assume there was a reason for it, whatever the reason may be.

The next question, if the video was indeed pre-recorded, is when did he record it? For how long did he know he was eventually going to use it? Did he at some point record it and for safekeeping in his phone, while waiting for the right moment to let it fly?

It would be incredibly naive to assume that the timing of the release of the pre-recorded video had nothing to do with the promotion of a pre-recorded film that debuts on Friday. As a movie approaches it’s all-important opening weekend, aggressive promotion of the film is critical to its success or lack thereof. And now, with Brady coincidentally retiring two days before the release of the movie, there will be plenty of organic coverage of All Things Brady -- along with free promotion of 80 for Brady.

We’re not saying he retired as a publicity stunt for the movie. We are saying that he obviously didn’t reject the easy opportunity to parlay his retirement into free publicity for the movie.