As many of you know by now, I’m not a big fan of mock drafts. The butterfly effect from one pick that goes wrong in the top two or three doesn’t mesh well with the whole OCD thing, and the reality is that there’s simply no way of knowing how 32 different organizations will intersect when it comes to making picks. So why bother?
We bother because everyone does a mock draft, and so we need to do one, too.
Actually, we’ve already done one, and the scars on my ego are healing fairly nicely.
This time around, we’ll expose the psyche of Evan Silva to the scrutiny and the catcalls and the hurling of verbal eggs and tomatoes. We’ve delegated (i.e., foisted) the duties upon him, with some supervision.
OK, with no supervision.
Here’s what he thinks. Feel free to call him the names you usually call me.