Like the NFL, the XFL is “closely monitoring” the current COVID-19 outbreak. Unlike the NFL, the XFL currently is in the middle of its 2020 season.
With Los Angeles declaring a local emergency as to the coronavirus situation and with the L.A. Wildcats due to host a home game on Sunday, the XFL may soon be feeling the impact of this potential crisis.
“The health and safety of the entire XFL family is of the utmost importance,” the XFL told PFT via email on Wednesday. “We have established a COVID-19 task force and are closely monitoring this public health issue. We are in regular contact with our Medical Advisory Board, as well as health and public safety officials on a national and local basis. Additionally, we have connected with other professional sports leagues to share information and best practices. Consideration of this input, a fact-based perspective, and our priority for safety will guide our decisions going forward.”
This weekend, four XFL games will be played in Houston, Dallas, D.C., and L.A. Next weekend, games are set for New York, Tampa, D.C., and Seattle.