Take that, nanobubbles.
Hall of Famer Brett Favre is pushing a drug for the treatment of concussions. Appearing Friday on FOX Business Network, Favre touted Prevasol, a nasal spray set to begin phase one of clinical studies.
“This is a game changer,” Favre said. “Treating it right away and stopping it is the most important factor in all of this.”
Favre has been involved with Prevasol since 2014. It’s an arrangement that likely was handled by Sqor Sports, the company behind the various hokey nose-hair trimmer and razor blade commercials in which Favre shamelessly appears.
As explained in the Afterword of Jeff Pearlman’s Gunslinger, Sqor connected Favre with Rx Pro, a topical pain cream that Favre touted as something that would “revolutionize” the sports recovery process and that even works with “cramps, stomach pain.” The Justice Department eventually investigated Rx Pro’s parent company, World Health Industries.
Whether Prevasol is destined for a similar fate remain to be seen. If Prevasol ultimately passes muster, be sure to use the Favre-endored nasal trimmer before using the concussion-treating nasal spray.