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Last chance to check out On Our Way Home

From the matchups between the Chiefs' offensive line and Eagles' defensive line to Patrick Mahomes being "can't-miss TV," Mike Florio and Chris Simms reveal what they're most pumped about for Super Bowl LVII.

On Our Way Home is going away for good. Or at least until it comes back again, probably in late November.

I’d originally removed the various chapters and the landing page on January 4, since it’s basically a Christmas story. (If you’ve read it, you know it’s more than that.) Once I made the change, I quickly heard from several people: (1) who hadn’t finished it; and (2) who wanted to.

So I decided to leave it up until February 2. But, frankly, I currently don’t feel like going through the process of moving the 32 chapters from public to private. So I figured I’d give anyone who still hasn’t finished it one last notice that it’s going away.

Since this is the first weekend with no football whatsoever (the Frolf Olympics most definitely do not count), take five minutes to give it a try. If you keep going beyond Chapter One, it’ll take about three hours to get it finished, maybe less.

All chapters are here. On Monday, they’ll be gone. Unless I forgot to make them gone. Which is definitely possible, since we’re heading to Phoenix on Sunday.