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Rumor emerges that Nick Caserio could leave Houston for New England, after the draft

Mike Florio and Chris Simms question if Nick Caserio would ever consider returning to the Patriots after the 2023 NFL Draft and explore what impact he’d have on the team.

Recently, a theory has emerged regarding the future of G.M. Nick Caserio in Houston. As the theory goes, he might not have one.

John McClain recently wrote an item for regarding the situation. In it, McClain points out that he heard at the league meetings a rumor that Caserio will be leaving the Texans after the draft, and that he’ll be returning to the Patriots.

McClain doesn’t buy it. But he notes that former NFL executive Michael Lombardi has recently said there will be “organizational changes” in Houston after the draft.

That’s not a surprise, given that executive V.P. of football operations Jack Easterby was fired during the 2022 season and has not yet been replaced. It’s the Easterby departure that could be a factor for Caserio, since it was Easterby who persuaded owner Cal McNair to go off the board (as it was fashioned by the search firm) and hire Caserio, after the team had made a failed effort to hire him away from the Patriots.

What if Caserio has had enough of the Texans? What if Patriots coach Bill Belichick, in an effort to hold things together long enough to catch and pass Don Shula on the all-time wins list, is trying to put the band back together? What if McNair, whose father once resisted firing G.M. Charley Casserly when firing coach Dom Capers and instead saw Casserly “resign” after the next draft, has taken a page out of the team founder’s playbook?

The reality is that the Texans have been the league’s worst football operation in recent years. But for the Commanders, it would be regarded as the most dysfunctional, too. Whether it’s Caserio perhaps wanting out or the Texans perhaps wanting a clean slate or perhaps a little bit of both, it wouldn’t be a shock, if the rumor McClain heard at the league meetings has any legs.