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Golf Fitness QA - Week 2

Happy New Year! Welcome to week 2 of Golf Fitness Q&A! I have taken your questions and categorized them from the most common to the not so common. I will be answering 2 per week along with demonstrations using different types of equipment. If you need any of the training aids that will be used in this series, simply visit the golf fitness Pro Shop!

Lets get started!

Can you give me some exercises to do with the weighted ball that will help with my swing rotation? Bill - Pleasanton, CA

Bill this exercise will improve strength and flexibility for rotating around your axis which ultimately will helpget your club deep in your backswing and add distance off the tee!

Bent Over Rotation


Repeat the exercise slow and controlled for 1 minute.

With the winter here, can you recommend an exercise that will help keep my swing in shape? Debbie ' Toronto, Canada

Debbie one of the best training aids for indoors is a weighted club. Heres an exercise using a weighted club that will allow you to keep your tempo and timing in tact during the winter, as well as increase your fitness level!

Full Swing Drill

1. Start with the Strength Trainer at address.

2. Swing to the top of your backswing. Hold for 5 seconds.

3. Swing down to 5:00, insuring the left wrist is flattened on the downswing. Hold for 5 seconds.

4. Then, swing through to a balanced finish facing the target. Hold for 5 seconds.

Repeat the exercise slow and controlled for 1 minute.

Click here for training aids from the Golf Fitness Pro Shop!

Related Links:

  • Kelly Blackburn Article Archive
  • Health & Fitness Main Page

    Editor’s Note: Kelly Blackburn has traveled the PGA Tour and Champions Tour circuits as a fitness consultant and trainer for 13 years. Kelly welcomes your email questions and comments, contact her at Visit to learn more about health and fitness for golf.