When HBO’s Hard Knocks took viewers inside the Jets’ locker room in 2010, head coach Rex Ryan made an impression by dropping dozens of F-bombs, and he provided one of the most memorable quotations in NFL history when he took the Lord’s name in vain while imploring his players to go eat a snack.
Tim Tebow was watching, and he was not offended.
In fact, as Florio mentioned in his Tebow trade 10-pack, Tebow said that he loved watching Hard Knocks and is looking forward to the experience of being in those profanity-filled team meetings.
“I wanted to play for Coach Ryan ever since I saw Hard Knocks,” Tebow said. “He just seemed like a coach who loves football and is passionate about the game of football. He’s definitely a players’ coach. I just love that about him.”
Tebow said that people who think his delicate ears can’t hear a little swearing don’t understand that he has been in locker rooms his whole life and can handle it if a coach has a potty mouth.
“I have so much respect for Coach Ryan,” Tebow said. “He’s a coach you want to play for, a coach you want to go out there and do good for. . . . There’s not many NFL locker rooms you’re going to go where you have the cleanest language, so I’m not too worried about that.”
Overall, Tebow thinks he’ll fit in well in Ryan’s locker room.
“Just playing for an organization that has such passionate fans, such a great fan base, so many people that care about them and support them, that definitely means a lot to me,” Tebow said.“I’m just thankful to be a Jet.”