With the NFL trying its best to persuade fans to witness the ultimate brand of 3D football, an NFL game will be televised for the first time in 3D.
Sean Leahy of USA Today reports that the September 2 preseason finale between the Giants and the Patriots will be broadcast in 3D, in a limited area. The broadcast will be available in New York, New Jersey, and New England.
In 2008, a game between the Chargers and Raiders was produced in 3D and beamed to theaters in New York, San Diego, and Boston. Last year, the Cowboys broadcast a portion of their game against the Chargers in 3D, but only on the giant drive-in theater screens hovering over their field of play. (The quality of the effort generated more “boos” than “oohs”.)
We had believed that the technology initially would be limited to theaters, which would create potentially significant revenues via the imposition of movie-style ticket prices. But why limit the pool of people who can enjoy 3D, especially since it can be pumped into millions more homes than theaters, and thus generate millions more dollars via pay-per-view charges?
That said, in-home 3D has a long way to go, and it likely will be years before 3D televisions find themselves in wide use. Thus, when it comes to the challenge of getting people to continue coming to live games, the NFL should consider this to be a head start.
Meanwhile, we assume that the Jets are pissed that the Giants and the Patriots, the Jets in-stadium and in-division arch-rivals, got picked for the first 3D broadcast. We also assume that Giants V.P. of communications Pat Hanlon is nodding and smiling.