The NBA reintroduced a long-dormant regular-season schedule feature last season:
To reduce travel and ideally spread of coronavirus across teams, teams played consecutive games against each other in the same location 84 times.
Yet, as the league tries to get back to normal, regular-season series remain. There are 23 scheduled for next season.
NBA Executive Vice President of Basketball Strategy & Analytics Evan Wasch on “The Crossover” podcast:Interestingly, we also even heard from teams that, as the home team in those series, that they appreciated the opportunity to play the same consecutive opponent. Which you would have thought would be the opposite. You would have thought that, if there’s an advantage for the road team, that, by definition, it’s a disadvantage for the home team. But teams, I think from a preparation standpoint – especially a playoff team preparing for the strategy of playing the same opponent multiple times in a row – that cadence of either the back-to-back or the day off between, they just liked it.
And so that was all positive.
The player feedback was a little more mixed. Interestingly, you heard from some players, particularly as it relates it to some of our more attractive so-called markets, that two trips to some of those markets over the course of the season spread out may not be a bad thing. And so they said, “Sure, I’m fine doing a series. But don’t make it to City X” without naming names, because I want to go there twice.
It’s nice teams travel less. It’s nice teams get a taste of playoff-style basketball. It’s nice the league can somewhat accommodate players who prefer certain road trips.
But the most important variable is the unknown one:
How will fans react?
It had long been though fans would be disinclined to watch the same opponent twice. That barely mattered last season, when attendance was limited. But if attendance and viewership drop significantly during series this season, expect regular-season series to disappear. Revenue matters most.
Perhaps, series will work in certain markets than not others. Just 15 teams host a series this year – led by the Timberwolves and Kings with three each. So, maybe the answer will take multiple seasons to learn.
But series remain a not-necessarily permanent aspect of the NBA schedule for now.