From Black Friday to Cyber Monday, I’m not sure there’s much of a difference anymore. Both days entail plenty of money being spent through purchases on the Internet.
So, you know, when in Rome. And here in Rome we’ve got two book for you to buy today.
And we can promise that, unlike the book Costanza couldn’t return or even give away after it was flagged, these have never been in the bathroom.
Here are the offerings.
Option No. 1: On Our Way Home. The Christmas book that is available for $3.99 in ebook and $9.99 in print at Amazon. Every penny I get goes to my local animal shelter. So you’re supporting a good cause while either getting yourself a gift that will definitely enhance your holiday season (if you read it) or perhaps getting cheap gifts for people you know. Maybe 10 or 20 of them.
Option No. 2: Father of Mine. Mob book set in 1973. There’s some film/series interest gurgling around. So now is the time to read it, before they turn it into something that completely alters the spirit of the book and/or glosses over a lot of your favorite parts.
Option No. 3: Both. Yes, both. It would cost you less than $25 bucks to buy both in print. That’s nothing. You spend that much during a trip to McDonald’s, if you’re really hungry and/or buying for multiple reasonably hungry people.
Break out the credit card and choose Option No. 3 and buy 10 copies of On Our Way Home to give out as gifts and thank you very much.