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For one week only, get Father of Mine for 99 cents

It’s tax day. If you’re getting a refund, here’s an idea for how to spend less than one dollar of it.

The Father of Mine ebook is only 99 cents, until Monday, April 22.

Ninety-nine cents. What can you buy for ninety-nine cents? (Not much; go ahead and Google the possibilities.)

The book is objectively not crap, even though I wrote it. It’s also a mob story. If you liked Goodfellas or the Sopranos or any other mafia tale, you’ll like this.

Unlike most mob stories, which happen in New York or Chicago or some other big city, this is a small-town thing, but with the same criminality and menace and peril.

It’s inspired by the crew that actually ran the small town where I grew up. And where my dad worked as a bookie for the local mob.

I kept my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut. I learned a lot then. I’ve learned a lot more since then. Several of the crimes are based on things they actually did. Allegedly.

And the sequel is coming. So get yourself ready for the second book by reading the first one.

It’s only 99 cents, for one week. Even in 1973, the setting of Father of Mine, there wasn’t much you could buy for 99 cents.