The President conducted a conference call with sports commissioners on Saturday, and as to one sport in particular he expressed an opinion.
Via, Donald Trump said that he believes the NFL’s regular season should begin on time in September.
Trump also added that he hopes to have fans in stadiums and arenas by August and September. However, it’s hard to imagine packed stands until scientists develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. A vaccine isn’t expected until the middle of 2021, at the earliest.
The NFL has said it’s planning for a full season. More recently, NFL chief medical officer Allen Sills expressed a more pragmatic viewpoint, one that acknowledges the many unknowns and factors that will influence a final decision.
Ultimately, scientists and other skilled experts will determine if, when, and how football will return. It’s currently hard to envision any type of sporting event resuming any time soon. However, as quickly as things changed to shut the world down, things possibly could change quickly to open the world up again.