With the Super Bowl starting at 6:30 p.m. local time and the Steelers playing in the four-hour game, the powers-that-be in Pittsburgh decided recently that schools will operate on a two-hour delay. According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Superintendent Mark Robinson explained that the delay is aimed at controlling staff and student absenteeism in the wake of the “late night” that the Super Bowl will create. The night will be even later if the Steelers win the game. The decision reminds us of a broader issue, about which we’ve received many e-mails this week. Why not play the game on a Saturday night, so that folks can stay up late without having to worry about getting up for work or school? Though churches throughout the country might not be thrilled with the ensuing hit to the collection plates, folks could enjoy the game (and all legal beverages consumed while watching it) without having to worry about being out of bed and on the go early the next morning.
Published January 31, 2009 05:39 PM