I hate to be tough on the Florida Gators, especially after being in the midst of a mini-dynasty, and I’m almost willing to admit anything Tim Tebow does has the blessing of the mighty JC himself, but this might be a little too much.Outside of the Florida football complex, the university has put up a plaque memorializing the “Promise Speech” delivered by Tim Tebow after the Florida Gators inexplicably lost to Ole Miss.Here is the text from the plaque, titled simply “The Promise:"“To the fans and everybody in Gator Nation, I’m sorry. I’m extremely sorry. We were hoping for an undefeated season. That was my goal, something Florida has never done here.” “I promise you one thing, a lot of good will come out of this. You will never see any player in the entire country play as hard as I will play the rest of the season. You will never see someone push the rest of the team as hard as I will push everybody the rest of the season.” “You will never see a team play harder than we will the rest of the season.” “God Bless.”I’m not sure if we should sell the movie rights to the “Tim Tebow Promise” story just yet, and you could probably say that more important to the team than the press conference speech to a bunch of media members was the dropped interception by Texas freshman safety Blake Gideon, but this certainly does fit with the goal of making Tim Tebow immortal by the time he takes a snap during his senior year.I can’t wait to count the number of times that speech, and subsequently, the new plaque, get mentioned by the guys on ESPN and CBS. I think Verne Lundquist is foaming at the mouth right now...