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Amani Oruwariye has his Leon Lett moment

November 25, 1993. Thanksgiving. Dolphins-Cowboys. Ice storm.

Miami attempts a potential game-winning field goal. The kick is blocked. The ball crosses the line of scrimmage. Leon Lett swoops in and tries to recover it. He touches it. The Dolphins recover it.

Miami kicks another field goal, makes it, wins.

Many instantly thought about that notorious moment after Amani Oruwariye did the punt-block version of the Lett play, 31 years later.

This time around, it extended what became the Bengals’ game-winning drive. And the loss stuck a form in the Cowboys’ already-thin playoff hopes.

Amazingly, former Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman — who played for Dallas in 1993 and is shown hugging Michael Irvin in a cutaway shot after the blocked field goal — didn’t mention the Lett moment. He said later on SportsCenter that he thought of it but didn’t want to bring it up.

To that we say, “Why the hell not?” It’s a historic moment involving the same special-teams principle, involving the same team in the same (sort of) city.

The Cowboys’ radio broadcast immediately mentioned it. Aikman should have.

That said, the mistake doesn’t rise quite to the same level as touching a blocked field goal or punt after it crosses the line of scrimmage.

For the 1993 Cowboys, the loss to the Dolphins ended up being the last Dallas loss of the year. In time, they won their second straight Super Bowl. For the 2024 Cowboys, it might be the last Dallas loss of the year. But the year likely won’t extend beyond the final week of the regular season.