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Belichick gets evasive on Vick

Pats coach Bill Belichick is the master of saying something while in reality saying nothing. In most cases, however, it’s not obvious that he hasn’t really said anything until reviewing the transcripts and seeing that what sounded like he was saying something while he was saying it was in reality an exercise in saying nothing.

Do you see what we’re saying?

As to quarterback Mike Vick, Belichick’s stonewalling was obvious on Friday. Making it even more glaring is the fact that Belichick is the only NFL coach, owner, or G.M. who has addressed the prospect of signing Vick with anything other than a flat “not at this time” or “not ever.”

Asked specifically by Christopher Gasper of the Boston Globe whether the Pats have ruled out signing Vick, Belichick had this to say, via Ian Rapoport of the Boston Herald (whose prior gig in Alabama entailed covering another guy who was a master in saying something while actually saying nothing): “Have we ruled it out?” Belichick said. “I don’t know that it’s ruled in or ruled out. I don’t think it’s ever been put that way, so I can’t answer that.”

Belichick then was asked the money question by Gasper: Are you interested in Mike Vick?

“You know, I think we would consider . . . . Well, we’re coaching the players we have on the field right now, who’s here. Anybody who isn’t here . . . is there a potential they could be here? Yeah, there probably is.

“We’re coaching 80 players that are here. Until we get somebody else, we’re coaching them. If we get somebody else in here, which I’m sure we will, we’ll coach them. Who that’s going to be . . . right now, it’s 80 players who are here.”

In unrelated news, the Boston chapter of PETA has just ordered a bunch of cardboard signs and sticks onto which to affix them.