Literally one minute apart, we received separate e-mails from Bruce Allen of Bostom Sports Media and someone from the Fan 590 in Toronto advising us that Pats quarterback Tom Brady will break his protracted silence at 5:30 p.m. EST on Wednesday, via an appearance on the Toronto radio station. Brady has been largely silent since tearing an ACL and MCL in the first quarter of the first game of the 2008 regular season, and thereafter dealing with multiple surgeries and IV antibiotics to clear out an infection in his knee. The reason for selecting the Toronto station isn’t known, and Boston-area joints like WEEI are probably a bit miffed right now. (Maybe we can start a rumor that Brady wants to play in the CFL.) The interview can be heard right here at the appointed time. But, please, don’t hog all the freakin’ bandwidth. UPDATE: We’re told that the segment has been moved to 6:30 p.m. EST. But wouldn’t you rather listen at that time to yours truly on SNR’s The Monty Show?