The Commanders, as they often do, have good intentions but poor execution.
The “Sean Taylor Memorial Installation,” as the team has described it, ended up being a glass case with a helmet, jersey, pants, shirts, and cleats. On a wire mannequin.
As some have noted, the shirt and pants are mismatched. The jersey is made by Nike, the pants are made by Reebok. To be truly authentic, the entire uniform would be manufactured by Reebok, which had the apparel deal during Taylor’s career.
And the cleats are, apparently, Adidas soccer shoes.
Of course, the organization had no hesitation when it came to using the former nickname and logos. Could there have been a memorial featuring Taylor’s likeness without the outdated, for a very important reason, nickname and logo? Absolutely.
But this was cheaper. And it also became another opportunity to embrace, in passive-aggressive style, the name and logo that owner Daniel Snyder was forced to abandon under sponsor pressure, something he insisted he never would do.