Washington owner Daniel Snyder continues to pursue evidence in connection with his pending defamation claim in India. Although his latest effort seeks information regarding someone other than former Washington employee Mary Ellen Blair, the latest effort potentially adds more bread crumbs to a trail that possibly leads back to Washington minority owner Dwight Schar.
On Wednesday, Snyder filed in a California federal court a document aimed at obtaining information that potentially would link the defamatory articles (and the broader alleged effort to smear Snyder) back to Schar in a way that is separate and apart from ongoing efforts in a Virginia federal court to obtain information ultimately linking Schar (through Comstock Holding Company) to Blair.
In the California action, Snyder seeks from New Content Media, Inc. information regarding its relationship with a company known as HoneyHouse, which allegedly has a link to meaww.com, the website that published multiple false articles tying Snyder to Jeffrey Epstein. Snyder’s lawyers explain in the filing that HoneyHouse and meaww.com are “active in the online pornography world” and that HoneyHouse “publicly touts its business affiliation” with meaww.com, “specifically, its ability to have its clients get their names/services promoted on MEAWW for pay.”
Snyder’s lawyers also explain in the filing that HoneyHouse “solicits clients on social media by promoting, among others, the services of MEAWW, which is a clear indication that HoneyHouse touts its ability to have MEAWW place stories on behalf of its clients for pay.” Ari Bass, according to the filing, runs HoneyHouse. A lawyer named Marc Randazza, according to the filing, has a “well-documented history” and “extensive ties” with Bass; the filing lists several connections between the two men that resulted in litigation and allegations of stalking, intimidation, and harassment.
That’s where the document ends, as it relates to the potential bread crumbs leading back to Schar. However, a source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT that Randazza has represented Schar in court. PFT has obtained a document filed earlier this year in Florida by Randazza on behalf of Schar, coincidentally in an action aimed at securing discovery in a defamation case.
Thus, if/when information obtained in the California action shows a connection between New Content Media to HoneyHouse to Randazza, the next step could be to explore a connection between Randazza and Schar, with the apparent goal ultimately being able to prove (if possible) that Schar initiated the process that resulted in the defamatory articles being published on meaww.com.
UPDATE 9/3/20 8:17 p.m. ET: Randazza has filed an emergency motion to intervene in the case and to strike any references to him. He says he has no connection to meaww.com and only limited knowledge of Ari Bass.