The initial reports from the courtroom pegged the Sunday Ticket verdict at $4.096 billion. Others have it as high as $4.8 billion. Given the requirement under antitrust law that the verdict be tripled, the final number (exclusive of interest) is anywhere from $12.288 billion to $14.4 billion.
Whatever the final amount (and it still could be zero), it will be split equally among the 32 teams.
On the low side, that’s $384 million. On the high end, it’s $450 million per team.
It won’t cause anyone to go out of business. It will hurt to write the check, but the oligarchs have the cash to pay for it. Especially since it probably counts as a write off of some sort. (If only I knew what a write off is.)
The NFL’s goal remains to win the case. That will both avoid writing 32 big checks — and it will allow the league to keep doing business as to Sunday Ticket the way that it has for the last 30 years.