The grass at Soldier Field was looking rough today, thanks in part to a recent Elton John concert. NFL Players Association president JC Tretter noticed the condition of the sod, and he had something to say.
“The NFL said that this field met minimum testing standards,” Tretter tweeted. “We clearly need to reevaluate what is an acceptable surface for players to compete on. We need new testing metrics looking at the performance and safety of every field. The NFL can and should do better.”
Indeed it should. Far too often, pro football fields look like something less than they should be. It’s a stunning degree of carelessness by owners who, even if they refuse to regard their players as human beings, should want to protect their investments.
Yes, the Bears don’t own Soldier Field. That’s still no excuse. If the team makes the quality of the playing field the priority it should be, the entity that owns the facility will, too.