Former Browns receiver Reggie Rucker has pleaded guilty to embezzling roughly $100,000 from various nonprofit groups. And Rucker now plans to cite his concussion history in connection with the sentencing phase.
Via Eric Heisig of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Rucker’s lawyer indicated in court on Wednesday that concussions may be relied upon as a potential explanation for his conduct.
The presiding judge agreed to postpone Rucker’s sentencing from May 23 to July 14 so that more information can be obtained regarding the brain injuries Rucker suffered during his career.
Rucker has accepted responsibility for his actions, a key aspect in securing the lowest possible sentence in the federal system. However, Rucker’s lawyer seems to be trying to get even greater lenience by showing that Rucker’s injuries may have led to impulsive and compulsive behavior.
Despite these efforts, the science of brain injuries still seems to be far too early in its overall development to permit such conclusions to be made on a reliable basis, especially for a patient who is still living. But the judge is inclined to at least see what the testing produces before making a final decision on Rucker’s sentence.