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Shane Steichen: Anthony Richardson has been pretty smooth out there so far

Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson is back behind center beginning his second year after his first was cut short by season-ending shoulder surgery.

Head coach Shane Steichen noted this week that the young signal-caller doesn’t look much worse for the wear coming off of his surgery.

“I think with any player you have a little rust every once in a while, but he’s been pretty smooth out there so far — completing a lot of balls, completion percentage has been good, knowing where to go with the football, which is a good sign,” Steichen said in his Wednesday press conference. “But I like where he’s at right now big time.”

Steichen noted that Richardson is doing well with his reads against different coverages and knowing where to go with the ball. Part of that is having the experience he gained through his first season, even as he played only four games.

“I think after your rookie year you kind of find a rhythm — what is your routine going into the offseason? Now that you’ve got a full offseason, what’s your routine going to be? What are your study habits in the offseason going into Year 2? He’s done a great job with that coming in early, getting his treatment, watching tape, going through that process after film,” Steichen said. “He’s in the weight room right now taking care of his body. I just saw him in there. So, that routine is big going into Year 2, that offseason routine. But yeah, excited for him.”

Wednesday was Richardson’s birthday, as he turned 22. But he doesn’t seem to come off that young to Steichen.

“Yeah, shoot. A young player, but he has just a great spirit about himself, the character that he has, how he treats people, in the building, outside of the building. It’s phenomenal,” Steichen said. “I think that’s key to success is having high character guys and he definitely has that. So, that goes a long way.”