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SoFi Stadium gets an ‘F’ for its performance in the rain

After Super Bowl XLI, Miami fell out of the rotation after a driving rain made the experience less than ideal for the high rollers in attendance. At a time when it’s widely presumed that SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles will host the NFL’s championship game every four or five years, Monday night’s NCAA championship becomes a red flag.

It rained in Los Angeles on Monday night, contrary to the meteorological skills of noted composer Albert Hammond. And even though Stan Kroenke’s multibillion-dollar venue has a roof, it’s not a dome. There are gaps. And when the rain blowed sideways, people got wet.

Far more importantly, when people walked on surfaces covered in rainwater, they slipped. Some got injured.

That part is astounding. It represents a failure of imagination for the engineers and lawyers, who should have ensured that any surfaces that could become wet would have a non-slip surface.

It’s inexcusable, frankly. Especially since the facility relies on people showing up for events there. Basic safety measures are a must, and SoFi Stadium obviously bears responsibility for every injury that occurred.

Kroenke also should immediately order a full study to be conducted of all surfaces on which human beings may be walking. If a new covering is needed to minimize the possibility of slipping and falling, it should be selected and implemented as soon as possible.

Beyond the liability and customer-service realities, it’s a basic matter of right and wrong.

And he’s one thing I’m sure we’re right about: All surfaces on the deck of Kroenke’s superyacht definitely have a non-slip coating.