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Terron Beckham calls steroid accusations “crazy”

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Terron Beckham, known as a fitness model and Odell Beckham’s cousin, got a tryout with the Jets at their rookie minicamp this weekend. But he also got some questions about just how he acquired that fitness model physique.

Beckham has been asked if he used steroids to build the body that drew so much attention on Instagram, but he says the question doesn’t bother him because he’s been used to getting it, “all the time,” for years.

“It’s tough because I work so hard. I worked that hard all my life. And you can’t just change people’s minds,” Beckham said, via “If they feel like, ‘What you look like or what you do, you can’t do that without having whatever substances.’ It’s crazy. All I have to say is that I’m here, and they’ve done their tests or whatever. I’m cool. I’ve never had to do anything, and I’m fine. I have great genetics. I work hard. And that’s all I have to say about that. I just kind of leave [those questions] alone now. I used to try to explain everything, but I’m like, ‘I’m just blessed and I work hard.’”

Beckham, who hasn’t played football since high school, is an extreme long shot to even make the Jets’ 90-man roster in training camp, let alone play in the regular season. But he says he’s putting in the work and thinks he has the athletic ability to make it as an NFL running back. And he also promises he can pass an NFL PED test.

Photo via Terron Beckham on Instagram.