The good news for Buffalo fans is that the arrival of Terrell Owens makes their hometown team more attractive. The bad news for Buffalo fans is that the arrival of Terrell Owens makes their hometown team more attractive. According to our pal Tim Graham of, the group responsible for bringing one regular-season Bills game per year to Toronto seems to be engaged in the preliminary stages of plotting a move toward bringing two regular-season games per year to Toronto, as early as 2010. Per Graham, a survey was sent via e-mail on Friday to folks who purchased tickets to last year’s Dolphins-Bills game played in Canada. (All fifteen of them.) The Bills didn’t respond to a request for comment from Graham correctly observes that this development will cause significant consternation among folks in Western New York who fear (accurately, we think) that the Bills’ home schedule ultimately will be split equally between Buffalo and Toronto. But converting the team into a regional attraction might be the only way to save it. Thus, four games in Toronto is much better than eight games in Los Angeles.