I would post the video, but in all honesty, if I watch it again I’m going to throw up. If you have not seen the Andrew Bogut elbow injury, you can find it at thingswhichshouldneverbeshownagain.com. (Not a real site. I don’t want you landing on some random spam page.) Anyway, Bogut has been rehabbing after losing most of last year still trying to recover from it, which makes sense considering his arm was obliterated. And in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Bogut shared some good news... and some bad news. From the Sentinel:
via Bogut plays waiting game - JSOnline.
There’s a lot of precedent for why Bucks fans need to be horrified of their future. The team is entirely built around the former top draft pick, and hearing “this is going to suck for the rest of my life” has to cause a mass onslaught of Cure records and bourbon. There’s always the chance that Bogut will surprise everyone, that his positive comments are the real indication of where he’s at. But to put it simply, Bogut went through trauma. He’s lucky to be able to use the arm at full function. Then again, players have played through pain before and Bogut shows every indication of being willing to do the work to make it all the way back. The Bucks need that to happen.