Every week, or so, we put a copy or two (or more) of Father of Mine up for grabs.
This week, it’s just one. Signed and personalized and sent to you.
To enter, send an email to florio@profootballtalk.com with this subject line: Father of Mine June 24 Giveaway.
To expedite things, add your address and preferred inscription.
Or you can just buy the thing. It’s only $4.99 for the ebook, and a mere $13.97 for the paperback.
It’s a great time of the year to slow down with a book. Even if you end up ripping through it quickly.
This one moves quickly, with short chapters and something on every page aimed at getting you to go to the next page. You could easily knock it out in a weekend.
Get the ebook now and do it, or order the print edition and devour it next weekend.