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Kansas legislature adjourns without action on Chiefs

We’re not in Kansas anymore.

Actually, we haven’t even gotten there yet.

Via the Associated Press, an effort by the Kansas legislature to lure the Chiefs from Missouri fizzled before the official adjournment of the annual session on Tuesday.

Some members of the body introduced on Tuesday a bill that would have authorized at least $1 billion in bonds for stadiums for both the Chiefs and MLB’s Royals. It wasn’t brought up for a vote.

Kansas has time to make it happen. The Chiefs are tied to Arrowhead Stadium through 2030.

As explained by the AP, there was a desire to pass tax cuts before handling a matter that some call “corporate welfare.”

The reality is that, if such a proposal were placed on a public ballot, it would fail. The challenge becomes finding a way to push it through without damaging the prospects of the politicians who supported it.

The alternative, of course, is for all communities to tell all sports teams to pay for their own stadiums. If they had to, they would.

And then the taxpayers could spend their money on something else, like a monorail.