On the same day running back Le’Veon Bell said he may sit out 2018 or retire from football altogether if he’s tagged again by the Steelers, Bell has quickly changed his tune.
“I’m trying to win a super bowl,” Bell said on Twitter. “I can care less about what happens after this season...my biggest thing I’m focused on is this team I’m on right now, playing for/with my brothers, & bringing back a 7th ring! what happens next year is irrelevant to my goals.”
That’s what he should have said when asked about what may happen if he’s tagged again. It’s better that he said it late than never at all, as it relates to the potential creation of distractions.
Still, Bell’s comments raises a real question about the leverage that a franchise-tagged player has once the postseason rolls around. I’m studying the CBA and talking to people who know more about the rules than I do (it’s a very low bar), and we’ll explain tomorrow or Saturday the significant power that a tagged player may have when the playoffs arrive.