Jets receiver Robby Anderson spiked the football on the Patriots’ sideline on Sunday, a highlight that went viral because the ball bounced into the facemask of Patriots defensive back Johnson Bademosi, who responded with a hilarious flop.
Anderson wasn’t flagged for that spike, but he should have been. NFL head of officiating Al Riveron said in the video he distributed to the media this week that Anderson’s spike was a textbook case of taunting.
“He spikes it inside the opponent’s bench. That is a foul. That is a foul for a taunt, an unsportsmanlike conduct, and that is one of two fouls that will get you ejected from a game,” he said. “You may not spike a ball in front of your opponent’s bench, in front of an opponent, in front of your opponent’s sideline.”
Two officials were looking directly at Anderson when he did it, and neither threw a flag. So Riveron’s video should be required viewing for them.
The NFL didn’t fine Anderson for the taunt, nor did it fine Bodemosi -- although flopping can draw fines in the NBA, it’s legal in the NFL.