Sorry, Maurice Hurst. You won’t be going to Brazil this year.
The Packers will be.
The NFL has announced that Green Bay will face Philadelphia in the first ever game in Brazil. It will be played on Friday, September 6, the night after the Chiefs host the regular-season opener.
The game will stream exclusively on Peacock, with over-the-air broadcasts in the two markets the teams represent.
The NFL is permitted to televise a game that day because it’s the first Friday in September. The Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961, which gives the NFL a broadcast antitrust exemption, prohibits Friday and Saturday broadcasts as of the second Friday in September.
Which means that, as a practical matter, the NFL will stage Friday night games whenever the first Friday in September is also the first Friday after Labor Day. So, basically, that’s any year Labor Day (the first Monday in September) lands on September 1, 2, or 3.
This means there likely will be Friday (and maybe even Saturday) games on the first weekend in September in 2025, 2029, 2030, and 2031.