Either we’ve grown into a cynical society which looks for the bad in everyone, or the people who make NFL team calendars are just horribly without any shred of self-awareness.
The latest calendar mishap is in Philadelphia, where the Eagles featured wide receiver Riley Cooper on the February page of their calendar.
February. As in, Black History Month. As in, the guy who used the ugliest racial slur possible at a Kenny Chesney concert. He’s since apologized, and deserves a chance to make things right. But the Eagles also have the obligation to not create such an unfortunate juxtaposition.
“If anything, it was an honest mistake,” Eagles public relations representative Brett Strohsacker told TMZ.
These things can happen. The Panthers version has defensive end Greg Hardy this month, which happens to be the same month he was called to court on a domestic violence case (which was dismissed).
And in terms of horrible judgement, it still might not top the classic 2013 Detroit Lions calendar, which was possibly the worst holiday gift ever.